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联系电话:13508714255(张无敌主任/云南师范大学) 13888188747(王霁云副主任/云南恒达工程公司总经理)

联系邮箱:wootichang@163.com(张无敌主任) wjy196806@163.com(王霁云副主任)
作者:报道稿: 周双双 浏览次数:2165 日期:2019-08-31 20:23:31

会议时间:2019年8月24日(星期六)全天9:00 ~17:45
下午 主持人:贺密密 

Biomass Energy Group Report in August 2019
Place: Room 318, 3rd Floor, School of Energy and Environmental Science, Yunnan Normal University
Meeting time: 9:00 to 17:45 , August 24th, 2019 (Saturday) 
Participants: Teachers of Biomass Energy Group,Doctoral student,graduate student,Lao Foreign Students

Host:  Zhanyao Zheng
Report 1. Experimental Study on Different Additives of Anaerobic Dry Fermentation 
Speaker: Zhen Zhang
Zhen Zhang reported in detail on the experimental results of different assistants for dry anaerobic fermentation. During the discussion, the concept of anaerobic dry fermentation was questioned, and it was suggested that high concentration fermentation be more suitable. For the classification of additives, it was necessary to verify that the types of additives were dispersed and lack of pertinence. It was suggested that the types of additives should be classified reasonably and their effects on acidification should be studied. It was suggested that the gas production rate of fresh cow manure fermentation after adding additives should be compared with that of  fermentation without additives and analyzed with the literature. It was also pointed out that VFAs was more conducive to methane production in biogas fermentation. 
Report 2. Study on Technical Feasibility and Extension Strategy of Vegetable Planting with Biogas Fertilizer in Qujing City
Speaker: Jiaolin Li 
Jiaolin Li reported on the effect of hot water pretreatment on the biogas production of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. During the discussion, Questions were raised about the specific treatment methods of the experiment, and the specific reasons for the influence of hot water immersion on gas production of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng were speculated. Hot water treatment may lead to changes in some components of Eupatorium adenophorum  Spreng and then affect gas production. The Latin name of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng should be correctly written and the relevant literature should be read in depth and carefully.
Report 3. Exploration on the Construction of Circulating Agricultural Model of Combination of Planting and Nurturing-Taking Mountain Village of Qujiang as An Example
Speaker : Li Song
First of all, Li Song reported on the feasibility of vegetable planting technology with Biogas Manure in Qujing City and the contents of promotion strategies. During the discussion, it is proposed that the number of words should be simplified in the ppt, and the text should be as good as possible. The form should adopt the proposal of three-line format. It is necessary to further consider the proportion of bio-fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizers. It is recommended to further analyze the different substitution ratios when calculating economic benefits. The economic benefits; it is suggested that when expounding the feasibility, the soil quality of the biogas fertilizer should be discussed first to affect the quality of the vegetables. The paper should increase the vegetable planting situation in the county. The literature review should supplement the varieties of the biogas fertilizer planting and analyze the application effects. 
Report 4. Experimental Study on Resource Utilization of Cassava 
Speaker: Zhengheng Huang
Zhengheng Huang reported on the experimental research contents of cassava resource utilization. In the discussion, HRT should be determined by batch experiment in the experiment; the process of processing cassava residue in CSTR reactor is questioned, whether the mixture treatment of cassava after wine is feasible, and the waste liquid coming out during the actual brewing process is pointed out. And the temperature of the waste residue is extremely high, it is recommended to use high temperature fermentation.
Host: Mimi He
Report 5. Effects of nitrogen on Fusarium oxysporum Root rot of Panax notoginseng
Speaker: Bingbing Tang
Binbin Tang reported the effects of different nitrogen concentrations on Fusarium oxysporum Root rot of Panax notoginseng. In the discussion, the method for determining the diameter of mycelium and the biomass of the strain was questioned. In the process of experimental analysis, the cause of the influence can be explained from the perspective of enzymes, and the significance of NH4-N, NO3-N and the number of spores determined in roots, stems and leaves should be stated. 
Report 6. Exploration of the Beautiful Rural Construction Model: A Case Study of Dayongxi Village, Wuding County
Speaker: Lixia Fan
Lixia Fan reported on the construction of a beautiful rural model in Dayongxi Village, Wuding County. It is recommended to deeply explore local cultural legends and special festival forms before the construction of the model; The current centralized farming is more centralized management, the status quo of small-scale farming is gradually banned, and the development of the breeding industry should focus on brand building; it is necessary to increase the description of geological landforms in describing the general situation of geography and River trends and local Party construction, and to actively play the role of Party members in the construction of the local beautiful rural model.
Report 7. Study on Gas Production Potential of Gerbera jamesonii by Anaerobic Fermentation
Speaker: Guang Yang 
Guang Yang mainly reported on the experimental contents of exploring the biogas potential of Gerbera jamesonii. In the discussion, some suggestions were put forward for the experimental results. The analysis of the low methane content in the experimental process and the lack of scientific results suggested that further experiments should be carried out. The reason may be related to the amount of raw materials added. The next step is to reduce the amount of raw materials properly and increase the concentration of inoculum.
Report 8. Biogas Production by Fermentation with Different Pretreatments of Equisetum ramosissimum 
Reporter: Wenwei Wang  
Wenwei Wang reported the effects of different pretreatment methods on biogas production by anaerobic fermentation of Equisetum ramosissimum. In the discussion, it is suggested to analyze the reason why the effect of shredding treatment is better than that of crushing treatment; to discuss the influence of different pretreatments on the quality of fermentation raw materials; to improve the determination method of fermentation broth and increase the determination of combustion heat in the future in the analysis of potential experiments, and then calculate the energy produced in the fermentation process.
Report 9. Theory and Practice of Bioconversion of Methane by Carbon Dioxide 
Speaker: Bin Yang 
Dr. Bin Yang mainly analyzed and elaborated the methods and possible ways of bioconversion of carbon dioxide to methane. In Discussion, In view of the application of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and further refining of scientific issues, it is suggested that the analysis of metabolic processes be transformed from microbial to biochemical perspectives.

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