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联系电话:13508714255(张无敌主任/云南师范大学) 13888188747(王霁云副主任/云南恒达工程公司总经理)

联系邮箱:wootichang@163.com(张无敌主任) wjy196806@163.com(王霁云副主任)
作者:胡译丹(新闻稿)余坤(照相) 浏览次数:1897 日期:2016-12-07 15:10:06


    第一阶段  主持人:吴凯


                          刘健峰硕士做报告                                           李紫薇硕士做报告
           第二阶段  主持人:蒋金和


                           赵兴玲老师做报告                                       杨红艳硕士做报告
        第三阶段 沼气工程技术研究中心主任张无敌研究员对课题组的相关工作进行安排

        Biomass Energy Research Group monthly discussion in November 2016 was hold in conference room of third floor of The Solar Energy Institute of Yunnan Normal University on Thursday 14:00 am to 17:30 pm , November 4, 2016. The teachers, graduate students and undergraduates of the research group and Lao Foreign Students attended the meeting.
        The meeting was divided into three parts. The first part was chaired by Mr. Wu Kai. And Master Liu Jianfeng and Li Ziwei made reports. The second part was chaired by Mr. Jiang Jinhe. And Ms. Zhao Xingliang and Master Yang Hongyan made reports. The third part was chaired by Mr.Zhang Wudi to the related work of the project group.
        First stage Presenter:Wu Kai
        About"Comparative study of water hyacinth juice anaerobic digestion process for reporting"Liu Jianfeng was reported.He firstly introduced the research background, the using situation of water hyacinth, and the research status of water hyacinth anaerobic digestion .Using UASB reactor, IC reactor and EGSB reactor do a experiment about water hyacinth juice.Then,his paper compared with the efficiency of three kinds efficient anaerobic reactor to provide a high efficiency and low cost reactor for water hyacinth juice processing. The meeting, teachers and classmates put many valuable advises and suggestions forward Liu Jianfeng's thesis. The whole article is very close to the practical,  considering not comprehensive about the effect factors of the experimental results.The data quantity are more,but the data analysis is too simple and should be further analyzed.Following Li Ziwei made a report about"the marsh fertilizer plant pomegranate technology in Mengzi promotion plan research".She made a detailed introduction from four aspects:the development situation analysis respectively of pomegranate,the marsh fertilizer application effect analysis,the agricultural extension methodology research,the promotion marsh fertilizer plant pomegranate scheme studies in Mengzi.And she designed a series of promotion plan.After teachers and classmates discussed, the main problem is lack of innovation and comparison, the report should compare the existing related technologies with itself,then import others technology. The final conclusions and recommendations should analyze to the risk and obstacles,put forward the proposal and solve it.
Second stage Presenter:Jiang Jinhe
Zhao Xingling teacher detailed said about"solid fuel heating value measurement of oxygen bomb calorimeter method and the matters needing attention".In the process of report,Mrs. Zhao took out oxygen bomb calorimeter to doing a demonstration,teachers and students could know a more intuitive about oxygen bomb calorimeter.Teacher Zhang teached our ‘the experiment equipments need keep clean in lab. all the time, after used must stay at former place.Then,Yang Hongyan master reported about"the two phase anaerobic digestion system swine manure wastewater treatment reactor design and initial start-up".She mainly told from the following five aspects:(1)the development of the two phase anaerobic digestion system;(2)the characteristics of two phase anaerobic digestion system;(3)two phase reactor design;(4)the little parts of preliminary data;(5)problems. The meeting made a heated diacussion about acidic UASB into how much a day, UASB and EGSB which into more.The problems such as had a heated discussion. Teachers put forward the pictures should be concise and clear.
  Third stage:Teacher zhang arranged the related work about the project group
1.Arrange the corridor panel production personnel in detail
2.Arrange the interpretation of laboratory personnel about visit on 9th  
3.Arrange about the southwest forestry college, yunnan agricultural university of attendance report and report topic of academic exchange
4.Arrange Yunnan biogas engineering technology research center website’s lecture draft.

地址:云南省昆明市呈贡区聚贤街768号云南师范大学能环大楼  昆明市盘龙区白龙路人与自然4幢5号商铺  全国24小时免费热线:400-800-2864    联系电话:13508714255  (张无敌主任/云南师范大学) 13888188747 (王霁云副主任/云南恒达工程公司总经理)      E-mail:wootichang@163.com wjy196806@163.com ecowatch.xr@gmail.com  网址:www.ynbiogas.net  传真:0871-65641994   《中华人民共和国电信与信息服务业务经营许可证》  编号:滇ICP备13003783号 技术支持:乐尚科技 后台管理